Monday, January 17, 2011

Hmm. I wonder when I last posted on our blog? February 2009? Really?

I think I better get on that. Not for your benefit obviously but mine. So to catch myself up, I picked out my favorite 2010 Facebook status updates so I can remember the silly things said, things we did, and where we went.
So, here we go.....

January :
Someday..... I will not find my hairbrush in the toilet. I will not use my toothbrush only to find it has soap on it. Someday my kids will not draw on their little brother. Someday I will not need to sweep the kitchen floor after every meal. Someday, when we go out to dinner, I will not need to take more trips to the bathroom than the number of kids I have. Someday wasn't today.

Made it until 11am before Addison changed into a new outfit. Must be some kind of record.

Addison just said, "Mommy. I like my mommy and daddy. Them love me and the boys love me. I like love." Good thing she said that because 5 minutes earlier she spread peanut butter all over herself.
Addison's nicknames for her brother, Carter, now include "Tito" and "Spanky"..... Where does she come up with this stuff????

Last week we scolded Chase for sticking cooked carrots in his ears. This week, Chase scolded the Doctor for looking in his ears. "No no stick ears! No no!" HA. Funny kid.

I just love it when Chase comes to me, with his arms outstreched, and says, "Hold you, Momma, Hold you!"

Was just filling out paper's for Addison's preschool registration. I asked her what she wanted her teachers to know about her and she said "I have a pink Steiger." Oh dear. It might be worse than I thought.

Wondering why in the year 2010 someone hasn't figured out how to make diet pop taste good. Seriously, someone needs to get on that.

Carter says..."Mom, a 1 and a 8 makes 18." (at this point I am thinking my kid is super smart) "And 2 and 8 is 28. That's Adrian Peterson's number. 18 is Peyton Mannings number. Number 4 is Farve. I cant think of any Hawkeye numbers right now, though." Awesome, Carter. Awesome.


Addison: "Hey Mom! Want to watch me do a softener salt?" A what? "A softener salt!" Ok? OH. You mean a "Somersault!" Haha!

We were outside this afternoon, and Chase saw a bird fly by. He exclaimed "A Chicken, Mommy." Yep. It was a LONG WINTER!

First Hibma Kid with Stitches Award goes to Chase.

Carter: "Mom, sometimes when I wear sox to bed, they just sneak off my feet.

Chad is planting. Chase is pretending he is going to preschool. Carter is playing with the Horse barn. Addison is playing dress-up. I have no idea what I'm doing.

Addison just shouted at me..."You are a ghost beause you don't listen to me!!" What? Haha. She is so strange sometimes.

Dear Carter, Just because a fridge is meant for helping food stay good longer, doesn't mean it works for everything. Like, for instance, the half eaten Tootsie Roll you put in there.

Me: "Carter, what do you want for breakfast today?" Carter: "I just want Potato Salad".

Thanks for all the messages from everyone....Chase ended up having four seizures yesterday. He is doing much better today. Lots of tests but no answers yet. Please pray that it isn't tumor or epilepsy related....we have been down this path with Carter and don't want to go there with Chase!! God is bigger than all of us. Chase needs an Brain MRI this morning. Please pray for me...the last time we had a kid need an MRI the results weren't great, I don't want to hear that again!!

Chase is home. His MRI was CLEAN!!!! Yeah!! More doctors and tests on Friday and Tuesday, but he is doing really well. Today he is catching up on the farming he missed over the weekend!!

Please pray for us (again!) as Dan has unexpected bypass surgery this morning. Lots of stress and lots to do on the farm!

We have supported the Worthington ER again this month, this time Addison. She's fine, just some stitches.
I asked Carter if he wanted to do something and he said No. Addison replied "Carter doesn't want to have any fun." :)

Hibma Sports Update: World Cup Soccer going on right now, and one team is wearing a purple Tutu.

Chase quote : (pointing to the toilet) "Mommy, is it warm in there?" I don't know, Chase. I don't make it a habit of checking toilet water temperature.


Best supper ever last night......Iowa sweet corn and genuine home made Cambodian egg rolls. Yummy .

What do you wear on a bike ride? A helmet, a ballet leotard, and TEVAs. What else!?

This morning, two year old Chase climbed up on my bed, jumped on me, got nose to nose with me and said.... "Express Yourself" and jumped down. WHAT?!?!

Yesterday afternoon I painted Addison's fingernails. She was sitting still nicely, when she shouted, "Itch my nose, Mom!" So I rubbed her nose. "No, Mom, Itch it!" So I used my fingernails. "No, Mom! Itch INSIDE my nose!" What??? NO!

I can't wait for Carter to get home from his first day of KINDERGARTEN!!! Hurry up, Bus!!!

I wonder how many years it will take me to train Addison into putting her toys where they belong in her room instead of throwing them (full force) into her room.

We don't have to take Carter to the Oncologist for TWO YEARS!!!! How AWESOME is that?!?!

Having a hard time convincing Chase that "Potty Training" doesn't involve an actual train.

There is one good thing about being alone during harvest time...I get to watch what I want. TV viewing at our house tonight is Ice Road Truckers and Swamp People. It obviously isn't harvest yet.

Carter scores a touchdown and pulls a Forest Gump.

I put a hoodie on Chase this morning, and he could hardly contain his laughter when he realized he could put his hand in one side of the pocket and out the other. Good ten minutes of entertainment.

Chad's favorite musical group is the Jonas Brothers. Seriously. He was even watching their show on tv last night.


Chase says: "When you are sick and need to go to the hospital, they come and pick you up!!" He obviously knows that from experience.

Addison says: "He is the best daddy! I love him like I love Christmas!"
Carter says: "I love daddy because he gave me a four wheeler!"
Chase says: "Daddy's Boy!"
Happy Birthday, Chad! We love you!!!

Addison, what is your favorite part of preschool?
"Snack Time!!!!"
Addison Rose just gave herself a haircut. Thankfully not a noticeable one. She is annoyed with me for sending her to her bed instead of telling her how cute it is.

Yesterday, Chase was inspecting the dangle earrings I was wearing and declared, "You have strong ears, Mommy!" LOL


Chase, what do you want for Christmas?
"A Cow."

How in the world did the Hawkeyes lose to the Gophers? Carter is in mourning.

"Mom, I need some Apple Spider to drink!" - Chase

That is pretty much where the facebook posts stopped. I spend all of December feeling terrible and most of Christmas recovering from outpatient surgery.
Christmas highlights were a trip to the Black Hills and hanging out with the extended family at The Lantern Coffee shop.

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