Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Carter Update

Well, another trip to the Oncologist came and went!! No MRI, this time!!

Carter is doing really well. We we last went in November, Carter was angry, depressed, and not any kid I recognised as being ours!! They took him off a medicine, and asked us to get his heart checked out and go to Mayo to do some testing for a Childhood Vertigo.

Well, his heart looks great other than one aorta seems to be a little larger than it should be, but nothing to even think about. After months of trying to contact Mayo, we finally got in contact with them.....

But after talking with the Oncologist, we decided not to pursue that for now! You see, Carter is doing better than he has in almost two years! He is happy, laughing, giving hugs, playing, and doing everything you would expect him to be doing. What happened??? Well, we think the medicine was too much for his body to handle. He has lost a few pounds since going off the medicine. While he wasn't chunky to begin with, he looks more like we expect him too. He is also not eating us out of house and home anymore!

Carter hasn't had a dizzy spell since the middle of November. We have to idea why, but God is answering prayers. Please pray with us that his dizzy spells are going away for good.

We are so thankful to have our little boy back.
He hasn't acted this happy in two years!!

We are blessed to have such a wonderful little boy!!

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