Friday, November 7, 2008

On our knees

What crazy times at our house past two weeks. The next two weeks have filled up to be more than what we could ever expect. The is only one way we will get through this month; prayer. When I pictured being a mom, I never would have thought it would be like this!! Early October Carter became a different kid. Screaming, hitting, kicking, and hysterics became part of the routine. We went to Sioux Falls to the neurologist. He didn't seem to think it was a medication problem, but changed his medicine as he felt they were not helping him enough.
It got better for a few days, and then reverted again.

This is the events of the last two weeks:
Tuesday the 21st: Carter feels like singing into my turkey baster. Trips and jabs the small end under his tongue. Blood. Trip to after hours doc.
No stitches, just checking for major damage.
Thursday the 23rd: Addison is crabby all day. Finally at 4:30, she gets a fever. Bring her in....strep throat.
27th - 30th: Carter becomes very angry. Who is this kid? I had to call Chad out of the field to come help me one day, as he became more angry than I have ever seen him before. Chase and Addison were scared.
I am not sure what the real problem is, most likely a combination of medication, fear of his headaches/dizzy spells, and being four.
31st: Go to Spencer for Halloween. Lunch time notice spots on Addison's entire body. Bring her into Spencer....spend and hour and half waiting to be seen.
reaction rash.
Dr gives OTC med instructions. Also gives us a script for steroid, only if she gets bad.

She gets bad. Go to town to get meds.
Addison spends the day laying on the floor saying "me is ouchies".

Lead MOPS. Notice Chase wheezing. Take him in. Mild walking pneumonia. Do Ex rays......notice some stomach issues that could need surgery in the future. Get home at 4. Carter gets home at 4:30 with a fever of 103. Have to take him in after hours. In the process of getting ready to go, notice Addison getting warm. Decide to take her in too. Both have very mild bronchitis. UHHH.
Tears from everyone.

6 doctor visits..... and counting......

These next two weeks are also looking to be long.

The kids will go in on Monday for Flu shots and check up for Chase.

Thursday the 13th:
Carter has scheduled EEG in Worthington. Very nervous about the cooperation on this since he is having "issues".
Friday the 14th:
Another possible Dr visit for Carter.
Monday the 17th:
Pre-Op physical in town, including full blood work.
Also nervous about this.
Tuesday the 18th: Head up to St. Paul for a unscheduled MRI. Carter was supposed to go up in December, but his oncologist thinks he needs to come up sooner with everything that's going on.
Wednesday the 19th: Carter has 8am MRI. This is at a different hospital than we are used to, since they were booked at MRI. Hopefully all procedures are the same. It is a different location, but the same hospital group. At 1pm we will meet with our team of doctors. I am not sure what this time will bring. Carter's neuro-oncologist said they "may change their minds about how much he is being affected".
Chad was supposed to have a meeting with a new Cardiologist in Sioux Falls on this day, and we obviously had to cancel. He will not be able to get in until next year, which is disappointing for us.

We would very much covet your prayers. We are in the middle of a crazy season anyway, and with three munchkins it is getting overwhelming! We appreciate all of you who care for us and have stood next to us during our struggles.


Unknown said...

Wow. We'll definitely have you in our thoughts. What a trying time for your family. Thanks for letting us know. Your ordeals are keeping things in perspective for me. I love you guys so much and wish I could be there to give you a great big hug.

Sundance Institute East Africa said...

Love the design, Ashley! I hope that things have settled down just a bit since your post. I can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks.